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Closed in in a sentence

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Sentence count:111+4Posted:2018-03-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: closedclose downencloseduncloseddisclosedclose doorclosed loopclosed bookMeaning: adj. blocked against entry. 
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61. In post-war years there was only a nine-minute service of Marton cars during the summer season, until it closed in 1961.
62. There were no windows, but two large openings that could be closed in by folding doors.
63. The silence closed in around her and her loneliness was almost tangible.
64. Yet the vocabulary the chancellor uses is still closed in, tight and restrained.
65. An infants school, at the eastern end, was completed in 1850 and closed in 1923.
66. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, 25 steel plants closed in the Youngstown region.
67. His followers closed in, looking for an opening to join the fight and pin Bigwig down.
68. The village school was closed in 1948 and the children are taken by bus to other schools in the area.
69. The polls have closed in the Pakistan parliamentary elections.
70. Despair closed in on him.
71. In the north, the Germans closed in on Leningrad.
72. Night closed in on Yellow Stone Village.
73. The soldiers closed in around their captain.
74. This plastic wall closed in the carport.
75. I've quite forgotten how closed in London can seem.
76. Airspace remained largely closed in the Netherlands and Germany.
77. They can included with other liabilities on the balance sheet, ignored, or dis i closed in the footnotes to the financial statements[], depending on their materiality and probability of occurrence.
78. Simultaneously, the ordure draining is observed and once the drainage is completed, the valve is closed in time to stop water draining.
79. Cotton mills closed in England, and American planters saw their markets disappear.
80. California-based Western Digital Corp.'s (WDC) plants are closed in the country,[ in.html] while Seagate Technology (STX) said its plants are still in action but could soon face a shortage of parts.
81. As the Abkhazian military closed in, the Georgian population of Gagra fled en masse, fearing reprisals by the invading army.
82. Evergrande's contract sales from January to June totaled nearly 21 billion yuan, more than doubling the deals closed in the same period 2009.
83. The winter closed in and the weather grew colder and rougher.
84. He noticed she sounded nervous at first when customers called, says Mr. Larson, former co-owner of a mortgage banking firm that he and his partners closed in 2008.
85. The results are as the following: the mucoperiosteal tissue in experimental group regenerated along the PDLLA biofilms and the mucoperiosteal defects were closed in 7 weeks.
86. Greatly helped by the French Navy, American and French troops closed in on the British forces in Yorktown, Virginia, commanded by General Cornwallis.
87. Construction crews stand ready on both sides (Shown here is the toll plaza from the Oakland approach. )The bridge was closed in record time.
88. When Nantah was closed in 1980, many felt they had lost a pillar of strength and an alma mater for them to contribute something in return. Yet it strengthened the sense of cohesion among them.
89. Shake well before using. Refrigeration is not required. Keep tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Packaged in high quality, shatterproof bottle.
90. Unlike in a direct-acting vent valve, the force holding the seat closed in a pilot vent valve increases with increasing pressure.
More similar words: closedclose downencloseduncloseddisclosedclose doorclosed loopclosed bookclosed shopclosed pathundisclosedclosed-mindedclosed systemclosed circuitclosed primaryclosed-end fundclosed fractureclosed loop systemclosed-loop systembehind closed doorsclosecloserclosetincloseencloseclose outrecloseclose offclose byclose in
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